Homes & Gardens Fethiye

Property Management


Managing a property means that we can run your property for you in your absence. Included and provided in this service are:

  • Payment of all utility & frequently paid bills such as electric, water and council tax.
  • The communication of costs for itemised work under the maintenance contract if applicable.
  • Itemised accounts are available at your request.
  • Remind you of your Insurance renewal and help you with the Insurers and provide guidance if ever an unfortunate situation such as a claim occurred.
  • Key-holding service in a secure location. Only company members will be able to gain access to the keys by a sign out system.

To ensure security, key holding services will only be provided for the services supplied by us as we cannot be responsible for handing keys to outside agencies

A float will be required to allow bills to be paid and any work to be carried out.

We can also supply quotes for your property to include garden design and landscape, decorating, repairs & renovations. We will visit your property and provide you with a no obligation quotation.

Management is covered for areas, Ovacik, hisaronu, Fethiye, Kaya & Olu Deniz

For more information email


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